“In the Land of Imagination” – The C.G. Jung Collection
In Cooperation with
March 27 2018 until July 8 2018
Opening: Monday, March 26th 2018, 6.30 p.m.
The presentation of C.G. Jung’s „Rote Buch“ caused a sensation at the 2013 Venice Biennale. Now the C.G. Jung Collection will be presented to the public for the first time. It includes artworks by his patients from between 1916 and 1955. As a psychiatrist, Jung asked his patients to paint and draw pictures from their imagination. Series of images emerged in the “active imagination” as part of the therapeutic process. An exhibition in cooperation with the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich/Küsnacht on the occasion of the institute’s 70th anniversary, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Museum im Lagerhaus in 2018.
Opening: Monday, March 26th 2018, 6.30 p.m.
Salutation: Monika Jagfeld, Director Museum im Lagerhaus
Introduction: Ruth Ammann, Curator Picture Archive and Verena Kast, President of the Curatorium
C.G. Jung Institut, Zürich/Küsnacht
Catalogue: Ruth Ammann/Verena Kast/Ingrid Riedel (ed.), Das Buch der Bilder. Schätze aus dem Archiv des C.G. Jung Instituts-Zürich, Patmos Verlag, Ostfildern 2018, c. 208 p., 250 i. ISBN 978-3-8436-1017-9
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