The Museum im Lagerhaus

The Foundation for Swiss Naive Art and Art Brut was founded on 1 February 1988 by the collectors Erna (1907-1995) and Curt Burgauer (1908-2002), Mina and Josef John as well as Simone and Peter Schaufelberger-Breguet. For twenty years, Simone and Peter Schaufelberger-Breguet, as director and president of the foundation board, have managed the museum in the warehouse on a voluntary basis and built up an extensive collection. In 2008, Dr. Peter Schorer took over the chairmanship of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Monika Jagfeld took over the artistic and overall management of the museum in full capacity. Foundation and Museum aim to arouse and promote interest and understanding in the different areas of outsider art.


Museum im Lagerhaus_Aussenansicht

Blick in die Ausstellung, Museum im Lagerhaus, St. Gallen

Margrit Schlumpf-Portmann

SundayJanuary 29, 202311 a. m.

In dialogue with art historian Bettina Staub, Sara Mürner explains works by her mother.

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Body Images (1.9.22 – 26.2.23)

The dialogue exhibition Body Images features additional concepts of physicality with works from the collection.

Lene Marie Fossen – Human (1.9.22 – 26.2.23)

«I am not what they see, but what I see.»

The exhibition Lene Marie Fossen Human presents for the first time the urgent self-portraits of Norwegian photographer Lene Marie Fossen (1986-2019) outside her country.

Guided Tour

Sunday, June 26, 2022, 11 a.m.

Guided tour of the exhibition with Monika Jagfeld, Geraldine Wullschleger or Philipp Gross.